Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Norman Fairclough

Norman Fairclough
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              Norman Fairclough was born in 1941. He is emeritus Professor of Linguistics at Lancaster University. He is one of the founders of CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis) as a branch of sociolinguistics or discourse analysis that looks at the influence of power relations on the context and structure of writings.
          Fairclough’s theories have been influenced by Mikhail Bakhtin and Michael Halliday on the linguistics field, and ideology theorists such Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser, Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu on the sociological one.
          Since the early 1980s, Fairclough’s research has focused on Critical Discourse Analysis, including the place of language in social relations of power and ideology, and how language figures in processes of social change. Over the past three years he has been working specifically on aspects of ‘transition’ in Central and Eastern Europe, especially Romania, from a discourse analytical perspective. This research is based upon the theoretical claim that discource is an element of social life which is dialectically interconnected  with other elements, and may have constructive and transformative effects on other elements.
His own recent contribution to this research has included three main elements:
*    Theoretical development of CDA to enhance its capacity to contribute to this area of social research.
*    Developing approaches to linguistic analysis of text and interactions which are adapted to social research.
*    Application of this theory and method in researching aspects of contemporary social change.
Fairclough’s  line of study also called Textually Oriented Discourse Analysis (TODA) is specially concerned with the mutual effects of formally linguistic textual properties, sociolinguistics speech genres, and formally sociological practices.
          His book Languge and Power (1989) now in a revised third edition 2014, explored the imbrications between language and social institutional practices and of wider political and social structures.


41 komentar:

  1. hello titin :)
    your blog its very good I think. I wanna question for your blog.
    My question is can you give me about education a norman fairclough ?
    thank you :)

    1. Hello Miss. Not only his education, I will show you more than that. Please check here:http://lancaster.academia.edu/NormanFairclough https://www.amazon.com/Norman-Fairclough/e/B001IQZJ3S

  2. Hi dear, please tell me!
    Why you chosse Norman fairclough? For your expert D.A ?

    1. Hi Miss. There are a lot of branches of DA, and I prefer to choose CDA. It's about critical thinking of something (written or spoken phenomenon). DA has many experts too. When I read some articles or journals about them, I was interested to Norman Fairclough. His theory, research, and the books which are published by him, bewitched me. You can search the information of Norman Fairclough by google. The journals or articles of him will be very useful for you. Tq😊

  3. Hay,titin can you give me the name email of norman fairclough.because i want to try to comunicate with them.thanks titin cantik

    1. Hi beautiful lady. Fairclogh's email: n.fairclough@lancaster.ac.uk

  4. hello beuty.i have one question for you.why the intersting which one handbooks by your expert?

    1. Hello dear. Language and Power book had three editions. 1st edition in 1989, 2nd edition in 2001. A revised third edition in 2014. That explored the imbrications between language and social institutional practices and of wider political and social structures.

  5. Hello restina. Nice blog.. Thank you for your blog about Norman. In the book Fairclough developed the concept of synthetic personalisation. Please, explain about it. Thnks

    1. The concept of synthetic personalization was introduced by critical discourse analyst Norman Fairclough in 1989 to refer to the simulation of private, face-to-face discourse for institutional purposes in mass media discourse, as well as advertising, political, public administration, and interview discourse.

  6. Hey tina jomb, nice for your blog and ppt. I have question,my question why you choose this expert. Thank 🐣

    1. Hi Angel. There are a lot of branches of DA, and I prefer to choose CDA. It's about critical thinking of something (written or spoken phenomenon). DA has many experts too. When I read some articles or journals about them, I was interested to Norman Fairclough. His theory, research, and the books which are published by him, bewitched me. You can search the information of Norman Fairclough by google. The journals or articles of him will be very useful for you. Tq😊

  7. Hello restina dayanti i have quesyion for you,can you give explanation about the study line of norman fairclough..

    1. Fairclough’s line of study also called Textually Oriented Discourse Analysis (TODA) is specially concerned with the mutual effects of formally linguistic textual properties, sociolinguistics speech genres, and formally sociological practices. If you want to know more detail of this, you can read here:
      https://id.scribd.com/mobile/doc/134515783/Norman-Fairclough or http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal0408/abstract

  8. Hai tina.. I wanna question for you. My question where is Norman Fairclough get profesor? thankyou

    1. Hello Miss. Not only his education, I will show you more than that. Please check here:http://lancaster.academia.edu/NormanFairclough

  9. hyy restina... I wanna question for your blog.
    My question is can you give me about education a norman fairclough ?
    thank you :)

    1. Hello Miss. Not only his education, I will show you more than that. Please check here:http://lancaster.academia.edu/NormanFairclough

  10. hello miss restina dayanti, please you tell me what makes norman fairclough tobe a famous expert??
    thank you...

    1. Like I posted above or the informtion from the other sources, he had a lot of researches, theories that are influenced by experts of linguistic and ideology field. The most important, he had published many books, articles, and journal. For the references, you can see on my PPT that I have posted. Tq

  11. hy bab. please give me profil ur exprt?

    1. For the profil, you can see at the first paragraph above. If you want to know detail profile of NF, let try to contact him by email provided: n.fairclough@lancaster.ac.uk

  12. Hi Res. Actually I don't have a question. I like the way you share the information on the blog. Keep blogging yaa.

    1. Thanks a lot. I will always try to share valuable information.

  13. hi ires, please give me the explanation about positive things that you got from norman?

    1. Hi Madam, actually there are a lot of positive I got. The most important is, by what he published,I know what CDA exactly. His articles, journals, and his books had helped me to cover general information about CDA.

  14. Hy madam 😗
    Your blog so soft right,but you not same with your blog 😛
    Okeey i wanna question for you, why you choose him? And what the populary theory of him?

    1. Hello Miss, thanks for your nice compliment. There are a lot of branches of DA, and I prefer to choose CDA. It's about critical thinking of something (written or spoken phenomenon). DA has many experts too. When I read some articles or journals about them, I was interested to Norman Fairclough. His theory, research, and the books which are published by him, bewitched me. You can search the information of Norman Fairclough by google. The journals or articles of him will be very useful for you. Tq

  15. hai, restina. I like your Blog. it's simple.
    Restina what book that you like from Norman Fairclaugh's book?

    1. Hello dear. Language and Power. It had three editions. 1st edition in 1989, 2nd edition in 2001. A revised third edition in 2014. That explored the imbrications between language and social institutional practices and of wider political and social structures.

  16. Hello restina:)
    From your explanation abaout Norman Fairclaugh , I am interested and I want to know how is Norman Fairclaugh's career start at the beginning so that he could become an expert in CDA?
    Thank you :)

    1. Thank you miss. It is too long if I have to type here. To make it easy for you in order you get completely the information. Let see the link provided:

  17. Hi titin... Its very clear I mine your post about the biogrhapic of your choice expert , thank you for explanation about that titin

  18. so many books that he made and some of them can be said worldwide but I want to ask one thing of many books, what books really get your attention so your choice her to be your role model? Thanks jones 😀

    1. Hello Mr. Atong Iskandar. Language and Power. It had three editions. 1st edition in 1989, 2nd edition in 2001. A revised third edition in 2014. That explored the imbrications between language and social institutional practices and of wider political and social structures.

  19. hello jombs.. thanks for your information. it's the simple blog and i like it:)

  20. Thanks a lot. Don't be bored to check new posting in my blog.

  21. Hi Restina. Nice blog & detailed information. Thank you for your post. Keep spirit to writing blog!

    1. Really thank you for the compliment, dear. I'll try to share useful information for you all.

  22. Hi ires. By your posting, I got new knowledge about expert of DA. Thank you for share useful information. Keep blogging ya.
